About Us

Our Mission

Equipping people to pursue God and answer the call of the wild by providing God-honoring, family-building outdoor adventures.

About Us

Our Story

Growing up, I spent countless nights in the solace of the wild. Even from a young age, I felt a deep connection to the remote places where the mountains stood tall and void of distraction, the rivers ran strong, and God’s creation teemed with life. There is something comforting about this place that I have not found anywhere else on Earth. Paul speaks in Romans about God’s eternal power and divine nature, and he says that these things “have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made”. When I stand on a mountaintop and look out over the valley, I can’t help but be in awe, to look on God’s eternal power and divine nature.


It is because of these principles that I have felt called since I was a child to bring others into the wild. It started in caves, on cliff-sides, rock walls, rivers, and sleeping under the light of the Milky Way. That passion grew into Etowah Adventure Company, an ode to the Etowah Valley where it all started.


We wanted to do it all: kayaking, hiking, camping, rock climbing, caving, backpacking over high mountain balds. In May of 2021, we began offering kayak shuttles and rentals on the Etowah River and rock climbing and rappelling excursions in the southeast USA. We have continued that journey to becoming the best wilderness guides that we can be. None of it would be possible without all of our family coming around us to make this business what it is.


This company began as a dream to help people enjoy the very things we enjoy. Some of our best experiences in life have been with family and friends. Why not invite others to answer the call of the wild? Because, as my good friend, Scott would say, “When we are pushed past our fears and our ideas of comfort, Joy can be found. When we are feeling world-weary from job and school and finance and even service at church, the wildness and quietus that one can experience in the marvel of creation settles the mind and soothes the soul. I have led my family to the wilds and called my friends to join me. I’ve taught people to be comfortable in the wild… to listen for the summertime symphony in the cicadas… to watch for the litany in the lightnin’ bugs… to find the crawdads in the creek… to find the path in the pitch dark…to feel the mirth of the midwinter moon… to see their Creator in Creation… because you can only find the foxfire when the lights are out.”


Why Choose Us?

1. You can book an appointment time to ensure your rentals are waiting for you.

2. No need to stand in line. Just load up and go!

3. Easily book on our website, up to 2 hours before departure time.

4. Our scheduled times ensure you won’t be waiting for an hour to be picked up.

Our Goal

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him…” Colossians 3:17. Our goal at Etowah Adventures is to be Christ led in all our endeavors. Our service to the communities that we serve will reflect that, as we lead with integrity and excellence in our field.


We acknowledge that it is our responsibility to speak truth and life into those we interact with, including our staff and patrons. As such, we will serve our local community, attending to those who steward the world that we live in.

Current offerings

-Kayak Rentals and Shuttles

-Rock Climbing





-Gear Store

We invite You to dream with Us!

What would you like to see offered in our area? Drop us a note below:

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Mailing Address

3 Central Plaza #163
Rome, GA 30161

Call Us

Tuesday- Saturday 9am-6pm